I am originally from Birmingham in England where I lived for 34 years and still love dearly. I have also lived in North Wales/ South Wales, Kent and New Zealand which has been my second home for the last 20 years.

I live on a lifestyle block with my partner, dog, cat, and two chickens. I am a mother and grandmother.

I have always been a creative person who enjoyed acting and singing. I was a member of the Birmingham and Triangle Youth Theatre in my teens and performed as a student.

I was originally at University College Cardiff, but later studied at Massey University in New Zealand and Auckland University of Technology where I gained a Post Grad Dip in Teaching.

Writing is my passion and has become more important with the passing of time. In recent years it has been a wonderful way to express myself and have a voice in a very unsettling world where there seems to be a lot of uncertainty.

I was long listed for the UK Film Festival Script Competition 2022. I have been published in Dreich, London Grip, Dawntreader, Ink Sweat and Tears, Red Poets and Poetica Review.

As an English/ ESL teacher in Auckland and the Bay of Plenty, it has been a pleasure to have taught many wonderful young people over the last fifteen years. Working with young adults has made me aware of the pressures placed on them from social media and the internet but at the same time, access to things inconceivable in my youth.

I’m interested in themes such as identity, family relationships, finding acceptance, loss, and social injustice. I am a supporter of human rights and a lover of the natural world.